Wednesday, April 18, 2012

'Tips for having Pets in your Wedding'...

Look at that face! How can you not love that face? Everyone who owns a dog absolutely thinks their dog is the cutest puppy ever. So as wedding trends begin to shift, more and more couples are choosing to include their 'furry friends' in their 'paws-itively' perfect days.

Seriously, now-a-days, dogs aren't just pets, they're members of our families...and many times, we take them everywhere we go...right?
Well, at least I do! LOL! So to some, not including their 'fur-people' in one of the biggest days of their lives is completely out of the question and unacceptable. I mean, seriously, how could you say 'NO' to that face!

(my Molly Waffle!)

If you're one of the growing trend bound and determined to include your pup in your ceremony, here are a few tips to make sure you, and the furry member of your bridal party, are all happy campers.

(love the tongue!)
  • Always check with your venue to make sure you can include your pup in the festivities. Many outdoor venues will allow you to include them, but it's always nice to ask before you just show up and expect it to be ok. Some indoor facilities are changing their 'no pets' policies and are beginning to allow pets as well..but they may have a few restrictions, so again, check with your venue.

(camera hounds!)

  • Before you 'jump in with both feet' on this idea, make sure your pup is the type that can handle large crowds and intense situations. Some dogs handle these types of situations very well, and others...well, not so much!
(Who are these people?)
  • Experts suggest that you either hire a trainer or designate someone, not in your wedding party, to take care of bowzer all day so you can enjoy your reception without worrying about how your pup is doing. It might be advisable, depending upon the temperament of your dog, to ask a friend to drive Fido home so they can rest after the big soiree, or bring their crate for comfort and a nap. And don't forget a bowl of water and a dish of food!

(Can we go now? Pleeeaassee!)

  • Always, always, always have someone walk your dog before your ceremony. Nothing spells disaster faster than having your dog relieve him or herself at the altar. Trust me, this is NOT the one thing you want everyone to remember about your wedding!

(I really gotta go...I really gotta go!)

  • When taking photos with your dog, try to take them before your ceremony to ensure that your pup will be fresh faced and ready for their photo-op.

(Not another photo...)

  • Be reasonable about your dogs abilities before you decide their role in your wedding. If you have a puppy, for instance, it's probably a given that they aren't going to be able to sit quietly while your entire ceremony is being conducted.
(Ok...I'm done!)

  • It's also suggested that you dress your pup in the outfit they'll be wearing the day of your wedding so they get used to the new additions. That will keep them from pulling and tugging at the garments and trying to rip them off while your ceremony is happening.

(Such a handsome Best Man)

  • Sometimes being clever just doesn't cut it. If you want your dog to act as your 'Ring Bearer' make sure you have a pillow, or pouch, for them to carry the rings. In fact, using 'fake' rings is much better idea...that way you don't run the risk of loosing the rings before they get to the altar.


  • And for heaven sake....practice...practice...practice! Just like trying to teach your dog a new behavior or trick, practice makes perfect! It's a good idea to take your pup to your wedding location several times so they can get used to the surroundings and practice...that way their job becomes routine.

(Cutie Pie Corgis!)

Oh, and just in case you're wondering...dogs aren't the only pets in weddings. Oh no...!!! Believe it or not, some people have included their cats, horses, and birds. Oh my!

(Are we done yet?)

OK...on that note, I'll leave you with honest to goodness, dog-gone doggie wedding!

(Oh, the injustice of it all!)

Until next time...

Making YOUR wedding InnCredible!
InnCredible Event

(Miss Jackson's photo courtesy of 'Stellasweet Photography')

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