Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Inspiration!

I love coffee. In fact, everyone who knows me, knows I love coffee. On most mornings, you'll find me at Starbucks ordering my Venti 3 pump Vanilla Latte. I even have a favorite shirt that says, 'coffeegirl' on it hanging in my closet. And what even makes this shirt better is the fact that it's Starbucks green...oh yeah!

So with this inspiration in mind, and a lot of help from Missy Meagan, whose idea it was for me to start posting a weekly Inspiration Board, I decided to use the images she sent me, along with my own, and make my 'Coffee' Inspiration Board. So, here it is!

I decided not to use one of the wedding websites, instead I chose Picasa, a Google program, to create my 'Coffee' Inspiration Board. It's a relatively easy program to use, although it did take me awhile to figure out just exactly how to use it. I'm not the most computer-savvy gal in the world, so I'm sure any of you who try it will have a much easier time than I did. Having said that, I did manage to master it...I think!

I chose to use their 'Picture Pile' option when creating my board because I didn't want all my photos structured. I wanted to be able to move them around and place them in the way that I wanted in order to give a more jumbled feel to my board. I'm not a very structured kinda gal so having the control to move them every which-way worked well for me. You, however, could use any one of their other options if you want your board to have a more linear feel to it.

Ok, back to my board. Why this board...besides the focus on coffee, that is? Well, I love 'fall'. I love everything about 'fall'. I love the change of the season when the leaves begin turning those breathtakingly beautiful shades of red, yellow, rust and orange. When there's that wee bit of 'fall' in the air, and the days finally start to get shorter. I love the warm and cozy feeling 'fall' gives me...and the fact that I can drink a lot more coffee as the autumn chill begins. LOL! And, truth be told, 'fall' weddings are by far my favorite!
It just seemed natural to play off all those ideas to enhance this theme.

So, with that in mind, and the InnCredible center photo of the cup of cappuccino, and Meagan's fab pictures as my inspiration, I began. Once I had my 'key' photo in place, I went out and scoured the internet to see what else I could find to accent my theme. And, I was astounded at what I found! The perfect dress, fabulous shoes...oh my, the choices were endless. What fun! Kinda makes me wish I was getting married...hee hee...!

You'll notice I left a bit of space on the right side of my board. I did this just in case I wanted to go back and add more photos later on. Picasa actually gives you the option of editing your board once it's saved, which is great because I could easily go back and add these fabulous vintage earrings later on if I wanted to. Lovely!

Picasa also has a 'Blog This' button which I thought was pretty cool. Remember, I'm no computer whiz, so this was a great feature for me because when I clicked on it, it took me immediately to this blog. All I had to do was enter my 'user name' and 'password', and uploaded! Nice! Very nice!

Unfortunately, I did learn the hard way that 'reset' does not mean 'undo'. After I clicked on the 'reset' button, my entire board disappeared and I had to start all over again from scratch. Not fun! :(

So, there you have it. My first official 'Inspiration Board'. Tell me, what do you think? Be honest. I want your feedback. The good...the bad...and the ugly!

I also want your 'Inspiration Boards'. Isla Baker from East Linton, Scotland has already broken the ice with her
InnCredible 'Inspiration Board' now it's your turn! Don't be shy!

(Isla's 'Inspiration Board')

It's easy. All you need to do is create your own 'Inspiration Board' and either email it to me at: or click this 'Contact' link, fill out your information, then 'cut & paste' your 'Inspiration Board' into our 'Message' box. Piece of cake!

As promised, I'll post every one you send me on our InnCredible Events facebook page, and on this blog! In addition, your board will also be featured on our InnCredible Events Twitter page. Pretty Awesome, right!

I'm not sure what inspiration I'm going to use for my next board, but I think this time I'm going to try '
Squidoo' so I can compare the two programs.

Until next time...Inspire me!

Making your wedding InnCredible
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